Home-Based Business for the beginners
We all know that the world is going into deep recession particularly in the USA and some parts of Europe and around the world. Instead of distressing about what is going to take place tomorrow, have you ever thought of doing something for yourself?
Anything can happen to you especially if you are under employment. Don’t wait till the last minute when you are told not to come to the office tomorrow or next week or next month. Start doing something now rather not doing anything at all. Recessions can drag on for a number of years. Nobody can forecast what will it be tomorrow or one year from now.
There are a number of small businesses that you can do. I would reckon that you could initiate something small from home or garage or patio. You can create some kind of hobby if you prefer, or outline some ideas and picture what kind of business that will suit you best. You must do something that you love or like and have knowledge or skills.
If you need to form a company, think of a suitable name for the business.
To help you get started, I have listed below some of the potential and yet possible business that you can do without any major problems.
- Gardening and nursery
- Fashion designing/dress maker
- Dress Cutter
- Home Baked Cakes or Cookies
- Handy Craft
- Insurance Agency
- Will Writer
- Unit Trust Agency
- Kinder Garden
- Nanny Services
- Catering
- Website Design
- Desktop Publishing
- Graphic Design Works
- Business Consultant
- Architect/Computer Aided Design
- Mail Order
- Home inventory cataloging/organizing
- Computer consulting training
- Computer maintenance
- Air-condition & electrical maintenance
- Business plan writing
- Data detective
- Database management
- Home cleaning services
- Laundry services
- Interior designer
- Florist
- Gardening
The list can go on…… This is just to give you some thoughts what you can you with your talent. Don’t bury your talent.Test your entrepreneurship skills and get the feel of running your very own business. Sound interesting?
If you need some sort of inspiration and encouragement or got stuck somewhere and need guidance, do post the questions here.
Best of luck!
Wan Rosnah